

Pain is an essential sensation, serving as a vital signal that something is out of balance. Hope is also indispensable, however just hoping that recurrent pain is going to disappear will likely lead to disappointment and further widespread suffering. Acute pain serves us brilliantly as protection; pulling our hand away from a hot flame.


Chronic pain conversely, should pull us closer to the problem; to look into it deeper and explore where new action is required. Whether repeated pain is physical, mental or emotional; it can open us up to the realisation that whatever we have been doing has not been working.


Pharmaceuticals give us the option to change the natural chemical processes occurring in our body, and so temporarily change our experience of pain. Certainly a miraculous tool in certain situations, but it is important to question whether it is the only option available, and at which costs in terms of side effects and dependency?


Life appears as an ongoing process of reactions and when we look more broadly across all the components that construct the fabric of our lives; the more we can see just how many different choices we have, in everything that we choose to include and exclude from our lives.


So instead of resenting our pains can we come to send love to our pains? Instead of blaming our pains can we come to forgive our pains? Instead of blocking our pains can we first come to investigate our pains?


Namaste – the Power in me sees the Power in you 🙏
