Functioning to the best of our ability requires us to train different aspects of our being. Our physical vessel through which our soul expresses itself is our portal of connection to this external reality. The energy we give off to collaborate with the energies around us is very dependent upon the movement of energies within us.
Keeping this primordial energy flowing efficiently and in balance is the key to holding ourselves in humble confidence, ready and aware to interact with the plethora of opportunities being continually presented to us through life.
Holistic fitness sees each individual as exactly that, individual. There is no “right way’ to train, there is only finding the way that suits you, at the different stages of your particular journey. Stef works to help you better understand how your physical body operates throughout the unison of all its different parts.
Becoming more conscious of how each joint was so perfectly created to support and work together. Allowing you to take more ownership over the management of your pains, dysfunctions and stresses.
Stefs programmes are aimed at continually developing ones ability across a broad spectrum of what our design permits to be possible. Keeping you ready to be able to face your individual challenges in life. The ones you are already aware of, and diving deeper for the exposure of those you wish to find and face.
Giving optimum attention to the fundamental principles of how our body moves and functions, in order to then be able to explore how these fundamentals can then become the gateway to more complex and rewarding exercises.
Combining both fluidity and structure, Stef believes in training across all the different parts of the body so that they can then be trained collectively. With a firm focus on alignment, strength, stability and flexibility, Stef uses a wide range of disciplines to ensure that you are staying fast and powerful; physically and mentally too.
Always incorporating the essentials of breath work and concentration in order to achieve the desired outcome. To look good, to feel good and to do good in this world.
Namaste – the Power in me sees the Power in you 🙏