

It is important to remember that stress is found at the roots of tensions and pains. We can often find ourselves wanting to do things to restore more balance in our lives, when most often we need to actually stop doing things.


The more ownership we can take of what is expected of us to achieve; the more ownership we can take over the tensions and pains that we develop from doing too much. Being able to nurture more compassion for ourselves allows for rest and recovery to then be found in more areas of our lives. 


Let’s remember too; relaxation doesn’t require us to first achieve a point where we have nothing to do. Relaxation can be found when we just prioritise it above anything else, because we need it and we deserve it.


But do we then always need entertainment to recover from our stresses, or can we simply just allow ourselves to reconnect with the restorative nature of our body and our breath? Sleep always serving as a perfect way to do so!


Namaste – the Power in me sees the Power in you 🙏
