

Our hearts come examined at the centre of our challenges and it is from our heart centre that the projection of our existence comes into being. How we respond to our individual challenges in life seems to either strengthen our essence, or weaken it. Each challenge offering us the opportunity to either become a victim or a seeker; seeking for the true depth of our heart. Searching for more acceptance, more understanding and more strength to grow from our sufferings, and indulge in gratitude for our joys.


Throughout nature we see cyclical patterns, with energy given out feeding directly back to the source. Equally, the more awareness that we can bring to the energies we put into ourselves, and the energies we put out; the more we can then synchronise with the Divinity of nature.


When coming to know something to be true we should express it and we should act on it. The more truth that we can come to find and follow; the more blessings we can come to receive, and the more gratitude we can then circle back too. A process coming easier following pleasure and not so easy following pain.


Traumas, when not fully processed and released; progressively diminish the eternal power of the sacred heart, resulting in protective tightness across the chest and shoulders. Open your chest and shoulders and come to set free the full potential of your centre.


Namaste – the Power in me sees the Power in you 🙏
