

Our spinal column actively serves as the core link between Earth and Sky within us, playing a vital role in our body functions and our connection with the cosmos.


As we explore our inner world, we actively discover that releasing tension is not merely internal but also manifests externally. The constant rhythm, a dynamic dance between our Body and Mind, remains active; a change in one actively triggers a response in the other.


Healing and self-discovery actively involve exploring each vertebra, comparable to turning pages in a book. Stored within our spine are emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and memories that actively influence our movements.


Our bones actively tell stories of stagnation, revealing where we’re actively stuck and facing resistance. They actively narrate tales of fears, showing how fear can actively paralyze us. This exploration actively unveils connections between our physical and metaphysical existence. The spinal column becomes an active canvas for our journey – each vertebra an active chapter, each revelation an active step closer to understanding our inner and outer worlds.


The spinal column actively aligns with the main energy centers, known as chakras. When actively aligning this column, internal energy channels can actively flow more freely. This emphasis on body and spine alignment is why many yoga postures and exercises actively prioritize it.


Consider our body as actively revealing the book of our subconscious. Through it, we actively perceive our imbalances and actively gain more clues about which internal parts we still need to actively work on.


Namaste – the Power in me sees the Power in you 🙏
