Integrating Therapies with Yoga, Fitness and Dance.
According to each individuals goals and interests.
Nurturing more harmony and healthy happiness into life.
Offering powerful and positive practices for children / young adults with special educational needs and / or disabilities through the integration of a variety of holistic approaches. Creating a comfortable and calm space for SEND kids to explore their full potential, physically and mentally, at whatever stage of their journey they are at.
Through careful engagement and observation, Wellbeing Coaching addresses any physical imbalances while also promoting the development of concentration, expression and emotional modulation.
Goals are discussed on an individual basis, but emphasis is always placed on each kid / young adult achieving a peaceful and relaxing experience, while also connecting with their heart centre.

Promoting sensory feedback is a big part of the sessions and parents / carers can be safely educated on appropriate exercise and massage techniques to incorporate into the kids routine. Helping to release tension, provide self regulation and optimise range of movement and function throughout the body.
A combination of any of the following can be integrated into the sessions as appropriate, with any necessary adjustments made according to each presentation:
Breathing exercises.
Sound exercises.
Sensory exercises.
Physical exercises.
Guided meditation & mindfulness exercises.
Relaxation techniques.
Holistic Mentoring and Counselling.
Exploring emotions.
Intentional affirmations.
Dance / Song / Music.
Flowing movement.

We aim, where possible, to:
Introduce the concept of mindfulness.
Develop body awareness.
Develop breath control.
Encourage self esteem.
Build self confidence & self worth.
Develop strategies to reduce stress, anxiety & depression.
Improve communication difficulties.
Improve flexibility, strength & balance.
Improve co-ordination & motor planning skills.
Improve memory & concentration.
Provide restorative relaxation.
Develop connection with the natural world and a sense of peace.
Enhance creativity & self expression.
Parenting a child with special educational needs & disabilities is clearly a very special journey, with even more emphasis required on ensuring optimum care for yourself, to be able to then meet the needs of your child effectively.
Sessions can be directed at working with both parent & child simultaneously.